(Updated 5 February 2001)
few words of explanation about the tons of scrap iron I found lying about all
over the place ...

HSCS (Hofherr Schrantz Clayton Shuttleworth) (Hungary). Company
The company was a large company already in 1891, manufacturing threshing machines, portable steam engines, a.s.o.
The "Clayton Shuttleworth" in the company name stands for the famous
English steam tractor manufacturer, who had a large share in the Hungarian
company. In 1924 the first lamp start tractor was built.
All HSCS products are very desirable collectors items.
This is even more true for the HSCS ("Le Robuste") K50, since only about 5 are known to exist.
This is nr 6788, built in the 30's. The tractor has three speeds, maximum speed
is approx 5 km/hr. The engine is more or less a stationary crude oil lamp start engine, bolted to a separate cast iron
frame, coupled to the gearbox by a thin transmission bolted to the side of the
engine. The later HSCS tractors, from about 1940, did no longer have a separate
frame, the engine serving as part of the frame, as was also usual with Lanz and
the later Field Marshall. The K50 is the biggest (considering
the cylinder size) crude oil lamp start tractor ever built. The sound of a
running crude oil lamp start engine with a swept volume of 15 liters is
something you never forget. And due to the sheer size of the engine, inspection of the cylinder
is a very straightforward job, as you will see
below :
My son Piet looking around inside the cylinder ...
The tractor usually was on iron wheels, as you can see from
the Original Info below.
My tractor is shown here on rubber tires, but has the iron wheels to be fitted
when required.
Original Info
Please also see the website of Club
Trattori d'Epoca Piemonte (the epoch tractors Piedmont club)
There a later version of this tractor is shown, where the engine has
become an integral part of the frame.
Tractor Le Percheron (Frankrijk), 1939
Lanz gave the French company SCNAC located in Colombes a licence to build this
tractor, as they lacked production capacity to satisfy the French demand for the
Lanz 25HP. A "Percheron" is an agricultural horse, the logo on the
tractor front shows this (vaguely).
The later logo, common to almost all Le Percheron’s, is a big rampant horse,
and does not mention "Système Lanz" as shown on this tractor. This
older logo shows that this is one of the very few (200?) pre-war Le Percheron’s
built (This one is Nr 160). This tractor is still
fully identical to the Lanz 25HP.
Although ... Le Percheron did not care too much, one millimeter more or less, so
identical is not necessarily identical, not even interchangeable in one tractor ...
We surely found that out during mechanical restoration of the tractor.

Lanz 60 HP D6006, built in 1957 or 1958, sold in 1962.
At that time combine harvesting was in full swing, so not many of these tractors
have been sold.
It was bought at the end of the 1970's from the original owner.
Who at that time had started collecting tractors or engines ?
Original Info
Ransomes Sims & Jefferies was a very well known manufacturer of steam
Later the company continued to be well known, everyone has at least once seen a Ransomes
But they also built tractors with an IC engine, albeit very little ones : small
crawler tractors for vegetable farming. Company
On the continent you rarely see one (in the UK they are a more common sight),
and when you see one, it always is an MG 5 (Mark 5) or younger.
My MG 2 (1940's period) looks much more "ancient" than the later models : it is
hardly anything more than 2 side plates with tracks on the outside, and on the
inside a big ancient lawnmower engine coupled to a box with gears in it. And a
seat for the driver.
A very enjoyable toy, with a tremendous traction power.
Original Info