Ein Überblick von was Ich weltweit an Schrott nicht verweigern konnte ...
H.S.C.SHSCS (Hofherr Schrantz Clayton Shuttleworth) was building tractors, but also engines, this is number 4128, built probably in about 1925. LorenzLorenz war ein sehr erfolgreiche Fabrikant von Motoren. Die Firma wurde 1887 von Ignac Lorenz gegründet. Diese Motoren waren zur Zeit modern und zuverlässig, bis ungefähr Nummer 20000 blieben sie fast gleich … Halboffen (seitlich offen), Ausklinkregler, Magnet mit Schlaghebel, seitliche Nockenwelle. Rotguß Vergaser. Das Bild zeigt deutlich wie schön ein Lorenz aus etwa 1925 wird wenn restauriert. Lorenz ZUM VERKAUFEN : jan_deklerck@hotmail.com Lorenz 4HP no. 1796, built in about 1920. This engine is a quite early
Lorenz. His twin is FOR SALE : jan_deklerck@hotmail.com Identification plate and logo (on the cooling tank) for an old-style Lorenz motor,
approx 1925. Contrary to the smaller engines, the bigger types remained fully open crank, but very few of these are known to survive. The later engines were petrol-paraffin. Although these engines still very
much resemble their other brothers, Later still, Lorenz started building diesel engines, four-stroke, but also
two-stroke. The latter resemble very much the Belgian Moes
Originales Originales BenzBenz is the most wanted somewhat affordable Czech engine. Open
crank, hit-miss, magneto with striking lever, sideshaft. The earliest Benz engines had low-tension ignition (rare, hardly affordable). Somewhat later, the choice was offered between low- and high tension, the rest of the engine being identical (e.g. nr. 901, 5hp, high tension option). Because of this possible choice, the sparking plug was mounted in a exchangeable flange . Still later, only high tension was available, doing away with the flange. It should also be noted that the steering front wheels are now situated under the cooling tank.At that time the engines could be had in 2 versions, light and heavy. For example, you will see the 4/5HPwith flywheels of 66cm diameter and a weight of approx 350kg, and with flywheels of 75cm diameter, bigger cylinder size, and a weight of approx 650 kg, but running at lower RPM. Later variations concern the valve mechanism, connecting rod lubrication, pressure lubrication for the piston, cast iron cover over the crankcase, a.s.o. Benz FOR SALE : jan_deklerck@hotmail.com The last design introduced by Benz was of a completely different design, smaller, and only about 200 have been built. (e.g. nr. 7278, 5-6 hp, approx 1936). This engine had the pressure lubrication for the piston, using a little pump topped by an oiler. Surprisingly, the engine was still open crank. KokoraEduard Kokora in Prerau (Czech Republic) was building steam engines,
threshing sets, engines, and all kinds of implements : straw cutters, straw
elevators, horse gins, chaf blowers, plows, harrows, seeders, a.s.o. KlimaKlima (Tsjechië), approx 1925 Klima FOR SALE : jan_deklerck@hotmail.com DobryDobry, approx 1930 SlaviaSlavia was a very succesful company, with modern engines . Slavia TE KOOP : jan_deklerck@hotmail.com More recent engines are smaller and run at higher rpm. Later Slavia also built diesel engines, mostly 2-stroke. They look very much like the Belgian Moes engines An especially attractive feature of a Slavia engine is the delicate casting at the sides of the cooling screen : it displays the "Savia" name in elegant lettering.
Little (Josef Odstrcil)"Little"
Josef Odstrcil,
cm Ø, ±150kg, ±1920 jan_deklerck@hotmail.com (Index) International famousInternational Famous "Nonpareil" (USA), 1917 International Famous TE KOOP : jan_deklerck@hotmail.com ClaeysLeon Claeys from Zedelghem, Belgium, was quite well known for
his very reliable engines, most of them being sold in portable form. The older
diesels diesels (1930's) in many cases found a job as a pure stationary engine,
de jlater, smaller diesels could only be bought for that purpose. The photo shows a Claeys (Belgie) hot bulb engine seeing daylight again for
the first time since 30 years, somewhere near Antwerpen, the original owner
kisses it goodbye. A few weeks later the engine was first shown (not without all
kinds of minor problems) in Ardingly (UK). A Claeys (Belgie) petrol engine of approx 1917.
Originales Originales
Originales La FourmiLa Fourmi (Belgium), built 1899. Open crank town gas engine, low tension. RustonRuston (Engeland) PR size 2, approx 1935 The Ruston HR4 is a typical stationary engine for industrial use, this one drove a flax mill. It wa sbought second hand to replace a Bollinckx steam engine. The photo shows my son Piet wondering if we will ever succeed in freeing the keys securing the flywheel. Eventually they came out. That was a relief, since the engine had to be brought out through a corridor only about 1m25 wide. Jongere Ruston PB
: jan_deklerck@hotmail.com Originales (Index) WichterleFranz Wichterle founded his company in 1878. Wichterle-KovarikErgens midden de jaren '20 gingen de firma's Wichterle en Kovarik samen, en vormden zo de firma Wichterle-Kovarik, later afgekort tot WIKOV. De firma werd zeer succesvol, vooral door hun motor type "Robot", een zeer eenvoudige, goedkope, betrouwbare benzine-petroleum motor, waarvan er zeer veel gebouwd werden. Mijn motor is waarschijnlijk het eerste gezamenlijk ontworpen motortype Wichterle-Kovaric. Het is het laatste type dat een typeplaat meekreeg, de latere types hadden geen typeplaat meer : alle informatie werd eenvoudigweg in grote letters op de motor geschilderd. In tegenstelling tot Robot-motoren (deze naam werd uiteindelijk bekender dan de firmanaam Wikov zelf), is een Wichterle-Kovaric motor zeldzaam. Mijn motor is in vrij slechte staat, met enkele ontbrekende onderdelen, maar daar mag een echte verzamelaar zich niet door laten tegenhouden, natuurlijk ... Een incomplete, iets jongere motor zal de nodige wisselstukken leveren.
Originele Info
Originele Info
Mid 1920's the companies Wichterle and Kovarik merged, to become the company Wichterle-Kovarik (later shortened to WIKOV). The company was very successful, and became famous for their "Robot" engine, a very simple, affordable and reliable petrol-paraffin engine. Many of these were sold. My motor is reputed to be the first type of engine designed jointly by Wichterle-Kovarik. It is the last type of engine to have a brass identification plate, the later engines had all information painted on the engines in fairly big lettering. Contrary to the Robot engines (this brand name eventually became better known than the company name Wikov), the Wichterle-Kovarik engine is quite rare. My motor is in a sorry state, with some parts missing, but a genuine collector should not be stopped by such minor problems, don't you think ? Fairbanks-MorseThis will not be the first Fairbanks-Morse Z engine you see. AmancoAmanco (Associated Manufacturers Company) needs no introduction, every show
displays several of them usually. At a shw, an Amanco Chore Boy was for sale, but everyone looked at it
suspiciously : it had no identification late, and although it looked like an
Amanco, several features were quite different. An Amanco copied ? (Quite a lot
of companies copied the Amanco design, for example Remar in Czechoslovakia did). The engine was converted to high tension. I have the igniter for low tension,
but can anyone offer me a magneto ? Tall model, bronze body. A later style magneto
with zamak body might fit the bill eventually. Offers : jan_deklerck@hotmail.com.
Thanks in advance ! (Index) JunkersJunkers is mainly known for its two-stroke diesel engines. (To us, that is.
Militaria collectors will know Junkers as the builders of the frightening StuKa
aircraft in WW2, and plumbers nowadays are installing Junkers water boilers). Not many Junkers engines are seen, but this type of engine was also built
by CLM in France (Compagnie Lilloise de Moteurs) using a Junkers license. Moës
De earlier Moës engine were two stroke hot bulb crude oil engines, and are very collectionable. The later engines look very much like the earlier ones, but are two-stroke diesels. |